Six Degrees of Separation - the Weller Edition

So today I was going to talk about census reports....but instead I'm going to talk about Marilyn Monroe!
Lovely, tortured soul that she was, Marilyn was my 8th cousin 2x removed.  That means that she's eight and I'm ten steps away from a common ancestor, Robert Rivers (1701-1792.)  But unlike my relationship to the Queen of England, this one isn't through marriage, it's through my own line.  And I rather like Miss Monroe, so I thought I'd share this one.

Robert Rivers is my 8th great grandfather on my Weller (mom's) side.  I actually hadn't gotten that far, so it was news to me and now I have lots of new ancestors to work through on that line.  This info all came through an app called We're Related, and I'll get back to that in a minute.

Robert Rivers (1701-1792) My 9th great grandfather
John Rivers (1736-1774) - Robert's son, my 8th great grandfather
John Rivers (1757-1820) - John's son, my 7th great grandfather
Susannah Rivers (1783-1824) John's daughter, my 6th great grandmother
Coleman Hunt (1806-1859) Susannah's son, my 5th great grandfather
James Hollis Hunt (1838-1904) Coleman's son, my 4th great grandfather
Elizabeth Louise Hunt (1866-1887) James' daughter, my 3rd great grandmother
Emma Mae Pryear (1885-1963) Elizabeth's daughter, my great great grandmother
Irene Elizabeth Thompson (1911-1999) Emma's daughter, my great grandmother (whom I had until I was 16 <3 )
Lawrence Edward Weller (1935-2014) Irene's son, my grandpa <3
Deanna Marie Weller (1961 - ) Lawrence's daughter, Mom!

So from Robert, I am descended straight from John, while Marilyn is descended straight from another son, Robert Ernest. 

Robert Rivers (1701-1792) My 9th great grandfather, Marilyn's 7th great grandfather
Robert Ernest Rivers (1735-1792) My 9th great uncle, Marilyn's 6th great grandfather
Martha Rivers (1755-1782) My1st cousin 9x removed, Marilyn's 5x great grandmother
Aquilla Jones (1773-1843) My 2nd cousin 8x removed, Marilyn's 4x great grandfather
Wilkerson Jones (1807-1888) My 3rd cousin 7x removed, Marilyn's 3x great grandfather
Sarah Caroline Jones (1837-1900) My 4th cousin 6x removed, Marilyn's 2x great grandmother
Charlotty Virginia Nance (1857-1935) My 5th cousin 5x removed, Marilyn's great grandmother
Della Mae Hogan (1876-1927) My 6th cousin 4x removed, Marilyn's Grandmother
Gladys Pearl Monroe (1902-1984) My 7th cousin 3x removed, Marilyn's mother
Norma Jean Baker "Marilyn Monroe" (1926-1962) My 8th cousin 2x removed!

So while I use to calculate my relationships (my own, I'd never be able to figure out the removed cousins without it, I can obviously do straight line ancestors, lol) the last Separated Ancestor came to be via, but this was brand new on an app on my phone called We're Related.  I'v actually had it on my phone a few weeks now and largely forgot about it, there's not much you can add once your tree is in there, and unless I'm missing something it only shows your tree up until your great grandparents.  But it's linked to my ancestry account, so it's pulling further generations from there, apparently. 

Today is the first time I'd gotten Relative Hints, and it's pretty cool.  It will absolutely end up expanding my tree exponentially, because just with this one I got seven generations back further than I had bothered to go, and Marilyn isn't the only relative hint I got.  I also have:

Bill Clinton: 8th cousin 2x removed
John F Kennedy: 7th cousin 4x removed
Kristen Stewart: 8th cousin 1x removed
Winston Churchill: 6th cousin 5x removed

This apparently will pull from all walks of life.  I've selected the "All" option, but you can choose if you like from
Presidents and First Ladies
Artists and Architects
Business Magnates
Criminals and the Infamous (!)
Historical Figures
Lawyers and Crime Fighters
Medal of Honor recipients
Military Figures
Musicians and Composers
Religious Figures (OMG I hope I'm related to the Pope!)
Social Reformers
Sports Figures
US Supreme Court Justices

It looks like it keeps a tally of how many people you have in each category and you can click them and see who's in the list.  Now that I've started getting hits I'm super excited to get more! From what I understand if I get more of my family to join (from Facebook, email, etc) and use the app it will work even better. 

Now the app isn't going to be correct 100% of the time.  I obsessively check facts and records before adding a person to my tree.  Many people though rely mainly on other people's trees, and it only takes one wrong bit of info to snowball into 100 people's trees having wrong information.  This is not only a hazard to their genealogy research, but for an app like this if 20 people have Marilyn in their tree, and five have correct info, but one puts the wrong name for say, her great grandmother, and the remaining 15 people put that wrong name as well (assuming it's right) the app is going to pull whatever the most popular info is.  So yes, you still have to do your own research and fact check the info the app is giving you.  But it's still super cool!  I highly suggest the We're Related app if your into family history. 


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