The Knights Templar
Today I was watching Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail (as one does) and it got me wondering what notable Knights I may have had in my tree! While I can't exactly search and verify the Knights of the Round Table, we absolutely know and can follow the Knights Templar! To be honest I was surprised to see just how many direct line ancestors I had that were Knights! All of them are from the same line, which doesn't really shock me because I am sure these families of Knights were all intermarrying and funneling down to the same line, which in my case all of them run through the Sutton/Dudley's (the same ancestors that give me Elizabeth Woodville and Edward IV) to my Wheeler/Weller line on my mom's side. Knight's Templar: William de Ferrers - 23rd Great Grandfather William Marshal - 23rd Great Grandfather Fulk D'Anjou - 25th Great Grandfather Robert de Sable' - 26th Great Grandfather Robert de Craon - 27th Great Grandfather And just for shits and gig...